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It all started when my dad presented me with a soft toy on my 6th birthday. It was an alien-looking animal with a single horn. I named it Horny*. It was the day I wrote my first ever diary entry. Like a true 90’s kid, the habit of keeping a journal stuck. This practice eventually morphed into writing elaborate devious plans to cut classes with my 8-member girl gang. I kid you not, it involved sketched-out maps, color-coded rally points, secret encryptions, flag markers, and blueprints.


With age, this mischievous plotter in me faded into the background, waiting for the opportune moment. And along came advertising! Little did I know that a mischievous plotter was just another phrase for a ‘creative problem solver’. I guess that is who I am :)


*I found out later that Horny was actually a unicorn and even later that horny is a word NSFW.

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J. Walter Thompson, New York

OCT - JAN 2018

Brands - PAMS Foundation, Johnson & Johnson, Rolex

AKQA, Tokyo

JUL - OCT 2018

Brands - Nike, Mini Cooper, Netflix, Westbank, Amazon Echo.

Cutwater, San Francisco

APR - JUL 2018

Brands - Peet's coffee, Financial Engines, Sparkle paper towel, AXOS bank.

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